Sunday, August 4, 2019

Google Apps for Educators Level 2 Training

We may still be in our summer break, but work continues behind the scenes to prepare for another fun, productive year at Wendell MS Media Center.

I spent a day mapping out curriculum by Dewey number to evaluate the quality of resources available in the library. I took time over a few weeks to look into areas of need, trying to estimate a reasonable budget request for the upcoming year. Our students thrive with a resource-rich learning environment with a "concierge" librarian to make the perfect match of format, reading level, interest level, and topic connection.

Another summer project I continue to work on is self-development using Google Apps for Educators Level 2 training. I thought I was quite literate in the Google Suite, but I humbly accept the need for more training! One of the exercises includes updating my blog, which admittedly needs dusting. Writing and reading are skills that need continual exercise - a blog post is a great way to get back in the game.

I hope this inspiration will continue throughout the school year. Stay tuned for more adventures from the Wendell MS Media Center!